
Chronicles of the Third Realm War #1

Royal Palm Literary Award Book of the Year


There is only one escape from Adem’s curse: A soul of his own.

Ages after the middle realm was destroyed by war between the gods and demigods, the creature Adem remains alone, cursed to guard a magical box for all eternity and spill the blood of anyone who tries to steal it.

When a demigod offers Adem what he longs for most—a soul of his own—Adem doesn’t hesitate, and he certainly doesn’t ask questions. But demigods never give freely, and Adem's soul will come at a price: First, he must break into the Underworld and bring back the angel's long-lost love.

The Underworld is shifty and deceptive in its lures to draw souls in, and escaping the realm again with a human soul in tow will be nearly impossible. Especially if the soul will do anything to remain at peace.

But surely any price is worth it to become human … right? Adem will change his fate and get his soul. So long as he can ignore the questions nagging at the back of his mind long enough to see the deal through.




“Twisting and turning, Mud won’t let itself be defined or outsmarted…
I’m hopelessly addicted.”

Reader’s Lane

“There’s something primal about Mud. It’s a reverent, mythical story of supernatural beings who justify desperate measures in their quest to feel complete.”

— Author Rob Wiesehan

“The clever use of weathered fantasy tropes…will propel readers into book two.”

— Publisher’s Weekly

